Health and Safety Policy


Kinetic Foundation is dedicated to providing a safe environment for all its employees, volunteers, members and people who may come into contact with us. In order to achieve a good standard of health and safety in our workplace and during our activities all employees must take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, of colleagues and of members.

Kinetic Foundation is also highly committed to encouraging our members to take part in various activities, however the well-being and safety of each person is always our first concern. We will only allow our members to train and play at a level which is appropriate for them, dependent on their age and ability.

The health and safety levels in Kinetic Foundation can be promoted most effectively if its principles are shared by everyone. It is important that the whole organisation takes a positive interest in health and safety and exercises a common duty of care to others.

All employees should be alert and keep a watch out for any hazards, which could be a threat to members, employees, volunteers and any other people who come into contact with the organisation. It is the responsibility of all managers to communicate and promote all aspects of this policy.


Policy principles


The Company is dedicated to the following:


  • Following all legislation listed within this policy
  • Integrating health and safety into all core activities
  • To maintain an effective and well-resourced health and safety system
  • To define the health and safety responsibilities of all employees and volunteers
  • To make certain that staff and volunteers receive the appropriate training in health and safety, so that they are capable of dealing with all situations
  • To undertake regular, recorded risk assessments of all activities undertaken by the organisation
  • To create a safe environment by putting health and safety control measures in place, as identified by the risk assessment
  • Ensure that all members are aware of, understand and follow this health and safety policy
  • Ensure all members receive the appropriate training for their age and ability
  • Ensure that normal operating procedures and emergency operating procedures are in place and known by all members
  • Provide access to adequate first aid facilities, a telephone and a qualified first aider at all times
  • Report any injuries or accidents sustained during any club activity or whilst on the organisation premises
  • Ensure that the implementation of the policy is reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness
  • Information about health and safety at Kinetic Foundation will be displayed on the premises for all employees, volunteers and members to view at any time
  • To provide and maintain a safe building and equipment
  • Try at all times to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health carrying out regular observations and checks to ensure that the general condition of the premises, equipment and other parts of the work environment are up to standard at all times.


Responsibilities of The Company


Whilst it is our responsibility to ensure that all principles mentioned within this policy are followed properly, the attitudes and compliance of our staff, members and volunteers is also crucial to the successful operation of this policy. All people involved with The Company should:


  • Work together with the organisation on all health and safety matters
  • Take sensible care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by your actions
  • Not mess with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety or welfare
  • Properly use all equipment provided by the organisation
  • Ensure you are fully aware of all possible dangers at Kinetic Foundation and are familiar with the organisation’s risk assessments.



Government guidance and legislation


The Company’s Health and Safety policy is based upon and adheres to various pieces of legislation. Below is an overview of the relevant acts. We all have a legal and moral obligation and responsibility to contribute to making Kinetic Foundation a safe and healthy place to be.


Kinetic Foundation recognises its legal obligations under the following legislation:

  • The Health and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974 (HASWA)
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
  • Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
  • Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
  • Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
  • Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
  • Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981
  • The Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1989
  • Noise at Work Regulations 1989 and The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005
  • Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)


Health and safety training


The Company is required to provide all information, training and instruction that is needed to ensure the health and safety of our employees, volunteers and members. Health and Safety training is particularly important when people start at The Company when there are new risks and when current skills may need updating. New recruits or members will receive basic training in how to work and behave safely, including all arrangements for first aid, fire and emergencies.


Our training will be carried out by one of our qualified members of staff or by someone from outside the organisation. In some circumstances it may be a combination of both. The main aim however of these training sessions is that our employees, volunteers and members become competent in health and safety, thus avoiding any distress that accidents could potentially cause.


This training will help everyone involved in The Company learn how to use health and safety properly and be aware of what is the right and wrong thing to do. These sessions can involve all levels of people e.g. supervisors, members, employees, etc. Supervisors and managers will likely have extended sessions, so that they can learn further about how to manage health and safety and deal with any incidents that may occur.


Kinetic Foundation has a health and safety officer who is chiefly responsible for any health and safety issues. We will also have other trained first aiders on site. There may be occasions where new employees will need first aid training if they are in a high position. These courses will be arranged by the organisation if needed. During induction, employees and members will learn who the health and safety officer is and which employees are trained in first aid.


If for some reason the health and safety officer is not present and you need any advice then it would be best to contact James Fotheringham.






Health and safety equipment


Kinetic Foundation will have all required health and safety equipment on site. First Aid kits and other tools will be kept in a place which can be accessed by supervisors in the case of any accidents. All necessary fire safety equipment, such as extinguishers and fire blankets will be accessible to everyone. During activities, employees and members will be shown where all these things are kept and how to use them.


Emergency procedures


It is important that employees know what to do if any serious and imminent dangers at work arise. Kinetic Foundation’s risk assessments should be able to identify many foreseeable events however in some cases injuries and emergencies cannot be helped and in these cases it is important that there are set procedures in place so that employees, volunteers and members all know what to do. During training all this will be covered.



First aid


Kinetic Foundation will ensure that there is adequate first aid provision for employees, volunteers and members who may become ill or are injured while on the premises. First Aid will be used when a person needs medical treatment until further help arrives. It will also be used for the treatment of minor injuries. At Kinetic Foundation there will be a qualified first aider always at hand in case any such occurrences should arise. It is extremely important that any accident involving personal injury or near miss should be reported immediately, so that it can be recorded for future reference.



Employees must take various precautions to help prevent any fires starting. Before any electrical appliances are used, make sure that they are quickly checked over to make sure that the cables and plugs are not damaged. It is extremely important that this equipment is not used if it shows any signs of damage, even if it appears to be very minor.



Report any faults found immediately and find something else to use instead. It is also important to ensure that all rubbish is disposed of correctly in the bins provided; ensure that these bins are not overfilled.

If you discover a fire you must immediately raise the alarm, at the nearest alarm call point. If you cannot find one close enough then shout to let other people know. Call the fire brigade at the earliest and safest time possible. Do not attempt to tackle the fire by yourself, unless you are appropriately trained.

When the fire alarm goes off, it is important to stop what you are doing and walk to the nearest available fire exit. These can be recognised by the white arrow on a green background and sometimes have the words FIRE EXIT on them too and a picture of a running person. The direction of the arrow will pin point where the nearest fire exit is located.


If this fire exit is obstructed then use another route. Kinetic Foundation will ensure that all employees, volunteers and members know of all the fire exits and routes in the premises. It is vital that you follow all instruction of the designated fire warden. Do not use the lift to leave the building, use the stairs instead as they are much safer. Make your way to the appropriate assembly point, which you will be informed about when you first start at Kinetic Foundation. Once at the assembly point you should stay there so that your designated fire warden can account for everyone present. Do not leave this point or attempt to re-enter the building under any circumstance. Your manager or designated fire warden will instruct you of what to do next.


There are numerous additional documents that follow covid-19 health and safety measures. All sites are risk assessed for covid-19 and reporting procedures are set out in the flow charts. Kinetic Foundation staff follow government guidelines at all times on social distancing, group size, inside and outside and activity and wear a face covering where necessary.