The second workshop of the Kinetic Entrepreneurship Programme supported by Howden M&A is on Marketing & Social Media which is being delivered by Let’s Be Brief to 150+ Year 12 Kinetic Academy Harris Federation students across London.

Stephanie McLaren-Neckles, Co-Founder of Let’s Be Brief, explains in the video here or on the link below what our young people are being taught during the workshop. This includes being introduced to the core concepts of business marketing and using social media for business. Our young people have been interacting really well, giving their thoughts towards how social media can be used for their own business ideas. There has been some great input on the exercise of creating a social media post for their brand/an upcoming event.

Rob Janoff: “Brand is a face; a face that you remember. Your logo is successful if people recognise you – just like a friend, you recognise the face.”

We’ve introduced the Kinetic Entrepreneurship Programme to develop our young people’s confidence, skills and capabilities to help reach their potential, a key part of Kinetic’s vision and mission.