“Sports participation can lead to higher levels of confidence and better communication skills” (Marsh, H.W. and Kleitman, S. (2002) Extracurricular School Activities: The Good, the Bad, and the Nonlinear.)

We are proud to announce some more outcomes of a report into the impact and effectiveness of the Kinetic Academy programme on student outcomes and exit routes. The study was carried out at one of our partner schools, Harris City Academy Crystal Palace (HCACP), by 3 University of Bath Master’s students – James Walker​, Ben Abrahams​ and Keita Koizumi​.

Role of Kinetic in non-academic outcomes​:

⦁ The Kinetic Academy programme has boosted the students’ confidence levels and leadership skills – HCACP teachers and coaches ​

⦁ The students’ communication skills and appropriateness have improved – HCACP Headteacher

⦁ Easy to transition into the Kinetic Academy programme and make friends – All Students

⦁ All students reported developing better communication, decision-making, timekeeping and leadership skills​

It was great to read the report to help us identify how our programme has impacted on students education and lives as well as understanding the impact of the Kinetic Academy programme on the school’s profile with a particular focus on staff, student and teacher satisfaction.